Luminesce Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are a more sustainable alternative to mined diamonds. They are created using high pressure, heat and chemical conditions similar to those that are found in a natural diamond.

The process involves placing a diamond seed (a flat slither) into a chamber filled with carbon-rich gas and heating to a high temperature. The diamond is then grown atom by atom.


Luminesce lab grown diamonds are an eco-friendly alternative to mined diamonds. They are as pure and bright as their naturally mined counterparts, but at a fraction of the cost!

Unlike natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment and are never exposed to air pollution or other environmental hazards. They are also more durable and long-lasting than mined diamonds, which means they will last a lifetime or longer, rather than a short lifespan as is the case with most mined diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are produced using a variety of methods, including chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The process starts with a small seed or seed stone that is placed into a sealed chamber, where it is subjected to carbon-rich gases and high temperature. This causes ionisation and melting, which then changes the diamond’s structure. The result is an uncut diamond that has been shaped and enhanced to a beautiful pink hue.

These diamonds are more energy-efficient than natural mined pink diamonds, as they do not require the energy or earth-moving equipment that goes into retrieving a natural diamond. This makes them a great choice for environmentally conscious fine jewellery lovers!

Another benefit of Luminesce lab grown diamonds is that they have the same optical and chemical properties as mined diamonds. This makes them a safe and ethical alternative to mined diamonds, which can be associated with unethical mining practices and other issues that can affect a country’s flora and fauna.

There are several reasons why the demand for lab-grown diamonds is growing. One reason is that people are becoming more aware of the negative impacts that the mined diamond industry has on the environment, and are making a conscious effort to choose sustainable options.

Additionally, many people are looking to invest in a quality piece of jewellery that will last for a long time. In addition to a longer lifespan, lab-grown diamonds are often more affordable than their naturally mined counterparts and will have the same or even better sparkle.

It is important to note that the method used to create a lab-grown diamond will determine its sustainability and ethical value. For instance, an HPHT processed diamond uses huge amounts of energy, while a CVD process uses much less. It is important to consider this when purchasing a lab-grown diamond and ensure that it was created with a renewable energy source.

As pure as mined diamonds

Luminance lab grown diamonds are as pure as mined diamonds and they are a great choice for those who want to make an eco-friendly and ethical purchase. They are chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds and are certified by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and International Gemological Institute.

These diamonds are created in a laboratory using a process called High Pressure High Temperature or Chemical Vapor Disposition, which recreates the same heat and pressure conditions that are responsible for naturally occurring diamonds. They are then faceted into the same beautiful shapes that we associate with diamonds, such as round brilliant and princess cut.

They are also just as affordable as natural diamonds and come with the same grading grades of shape, size, color and clarity. In fact, many of the same grading agencies that grade natural diamonds will also grade lab grown diamonds, making it easy to choose which one is right for you.

The diamonds are then crafted into pieces of jewellery, including engagement rings and wedding bands. These stones are a perfect addition to any jewellery collection, from classic solitaires to stunning stacking rings.

Unlike cubic zirconia, which is made from a mixture of zirconium dioxide and other materials that make it look like a diamond, lab grown diamonds are comprised of pure carbon. This means that they are as durable and hard as diamonds.

As long as you choose a reputable jeweller that can guarantee the quality of their diamonds, you can rest assured knowing that they are as strong as real diamonds. This is because they are manufactured under a controlled environment, which prevents them from being subject to damage during the creation process.

There are a few rare instances in which lab-grown diamonds will chip slightly due to the carbon atoms not being tightly bonded enough during the formulation process. However, this is a very small risk and usually only occurs in the rarest of circumstances.

They are also incredibly durable and are ranked tenth on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, the same scale that measures the strength of gemstones and minerals. This is why lab-grown diamonds are so often used in industrial settings for cutting through tough materials such as glass, concrete, brick, tile and asphalt.

Unrivalled sparkle

A stunning and ethical alternative to mined diamonds, luminesce lab grown diamonds are as bright, clear and brilliant as their naturally formed counterparts. Using cutting-edge technology, extreme pressure and high temperatures are applied to the diamond seed to replicate the conditions under which diamonds are formed within the Earth’s mantle.

This process is highly effective and produces a stunningly beautiful diamond with all the facets, brilliance, fire, scintillation and clarity of a natural diamond. This makes them an increasingly popular choice for those seeking an eco-friendly, ethical and pure diamond ring or pendant.

Fluorescence is a natural phenomenon that occurs when diamonds absorb and emit light from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and is most commonly seen in blue diamonds. It can also occur in yellow, green and orange diamonds.

In diamonds, fluorescence can help to enhance the appearance of certain fancy diamond colors, such as blue, yellow and green. It can also highlight other types of color that may be a bit less visible under normal lighting, such as brown or gray.

Moreover, diamonds with strong fluorescence can look clearer than those without it, so they can be more appealing to the eye when worn in low-color grades. On the other hand, fainter fluorescence can make a diamond appear cloudy in high-color grades, so it’s important to understand how this will affect its appearance and look before making your purchase.

Although some lab-grown diamonds are very fluorescent, they typically have lower fluorescence levels than mined stones because of the controlled growing environment. This makes them less likely to be over-graded.

However, it’s still important to be aware of this when shopping for lab-grown diamonds because a small amount of fluorescence could make a stone look slightly discolored or even cloudy in certain lighting settings. This is why it’s essential to consider other factors such as the diamond’s color grade, cut and carat weight when choosing your diamond.

The best way to tell the difference between mined and lab-grown diamonds is by gemological testing. In order to do this, a jeweler would use equipment that looks for differences in absorption spectroscopy, microscopic metallic inclusions, ion agglomerations, and fluorescence and phosphorescence. This would allow them to determine the origin of a stone before a purchase is made.


The Luminesce range of lab grown diamond jewellery offers a more affordable option than natural mined diamonds. Our beautiful lab grown diamonds are as bright and shiny as any natural mined diamond – and for less than 30%-40% of the price.

The world of jewelry has been revolutionised by the advent of new technologies that can grow precious gemstones. Unlike naturally occurring diamonds, which were formed deep underground, lab grown diamonds are created in high-tech laboratories.

While lab diamonds are often marketed as eco-friendly, it’s important to remember that they still have an impact on the environment. Many producers use fossil fuels to make them, but there are also some producers that have committed to using renewable energy like hydro and solar power.

It’s also worth noting that the chemical reaction needed to make these gems requires an enormous amount of energy. That means these gemstones have a wider environmental footprint than mined diamonds, which are largely sold for jewellery purposes.

In addition, diamond mining has a detrimental impact on the natural habitats of endangered animals and plants. For example, De Beers removed over 18,000 fish from a Canadian lake in search of diamonds.

However, the Luminesce range of lab grown diamonds has a smaller environmental footprint than the traditional mined diamond industry. This is because a diamond of the same size, shape and colour can be grown in a laboratory for a fraction of the cost and time.

This is why luminesce lab grown diamonds are so popular with bridal shoppers, who are looking for a sparkling alternative to a traditional mined diamond. The Luminesce range of lab grown engagement rings, wedding rings, earrings and pendants offer an ethical and sustainable solution for diamond lovers.

As a bonus, lab grown diamonds are also more durable than glass and fake diamond alternatives, which are often more fragile and don’t last as long. That’s because, unlike glass, lab grown diamonds don’t chip or crack if they get scratched.

As long as you clean your diamond regularly and take care of it, your lab grown diamond will be in tip-top condition for years to come. Follow these simple tips to keep your diamond looking its best, whether it’s set in an engagement ring or necklace.

Luminesce Lab Grown Diamonds

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